How Market Positioning Can Change Your Business.

We live in an overcommunicated world.


Here’s what I mean…


More than ever, people (including your customers) are exposed to multiple pieces of information.


We’re exposed to thousands of advertising messages daily.


Companies and brands are constantly seeking ATTENTION.


There are more media channels, both online and offline, to reach people.


Hardly will you check any media(online or offline) without any advertising.


Multiple channels, such as Television, Billboards, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Radio, and Magazines, are available.


Not just that…


Companies now invest in advertising than ever before. Millions of Dollars are invested across multiple channels daily.


Infact, more complications set in because;


More products are solving the same problem than ever before. There are substitutes for almost any product.


Competitors are roaring to have your customers.


Consumers now have more options than ever.


The reality is that …


Because we live in an overcommunicated society, it’s easier for consumers to forget about your product in the twinkle of an eye and spend money on advertising without getting any results.


Anyway, amidst all the noise in an overcommunicated society. What’s the way out?


You see, because of the complexity of the society, people have learned to simplify everything.


So, people only want to remember what matters and say No to the rest of the options.


The big question is: What should you do?


Well, the answer is POSITIONING. You must occupy a space in the minds of your customers.


You must position your product, company or yourself so that you become the first person that comes to their mind. Often, Nobody remembers the second but the first.


Now, imagine being in 9th position. 


Marketing has evolved from just talking about your product features and benefits.


A result-driven marketing campaign must position your product in the mind of your consumers.


When people think of your product, something must come to their mind. Whatever comes to their mind determines how they’ll interact with your brand.


How are you positioning your product in the minds of your customers?