The Money is in the Follow-Up

I recently purchased a product after weeks of follow-up from the sales representative.


She followed up professionally so much that I was eager to get the product after receiving several messages.


And it reminded me of the well-known fact that most sales are not made in the first meeting…


When people say no, it doesn’t mean your product is useless to them. Sales automatically happen when the following factors align:


  1. Need for the Product
  2. Right Timing.
  3. Ability to Purchase.


Yes, a customer must have a need, be at the right time, and have the purchasing power to buy the product.


And that’s why follow-up is critical.


When prospects have a need but lack funds to buy- NO SALES


When prospects have a need but have other pressing needs (at the wrong time), there are no sales.


There will be no sales when people have purchasing power but do not need the product.


And that’s the core of my message to you.


You need to have a strategy for follow-up…


The more the follow-up, the higher the chance of closing the sales.


Often, people don’t buy from the best but from the available.


When you follow up, you’re communicating with your prospect that you can serve them.


Your follow-up increases top-of-mind awareness. You come to the prospect’s mind first when they decide to buy from you.


The best thing than following up once is following up twice; the best thing than following up twice is following up thrice, and it goes on and on.


Always get prospect details and reach out creatively. That’s how to keep winning. Every “no” is a potential “yes” with the proper follow-up strategy.